Feb. 9, 2022
From the moment you are pulled over in St. Louis County for suspicion of Driving While Intoxicated, the officer beings gathering as much evidence of guilt as he can.
Read MoreSept. 22, 2021
If you've been charged with a crime in St. Louis County and offered a plea deal with an SES, then you're likely wondering what that means. What does an SES entail? Does it mean you won't have a criminal record? How does it compare to an SIS? These are all questions your attorney can answer for you, but if you are not represented by counsel the following should help clear up any confusion.
Read MoreAug. 15, 2021
The short answer is: it depends. Ultimately, what matters are the timing and reasons your employer uses as the basis for its decision to fire you. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employees who work for covered employers (50+ employees for at least 20 weeks of the last 12 months) can choose to take unpaid FMLA leave under certain situations.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
It is a violation under Missouri law to intentionally inhale or induce others to inhale the fumes emitting from solvents.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
Solvents are essentially any substance which can be used to break down another substance. For example, the substance of water is a solvent when used in connection with the substance sugar, as sugar dissolves in water.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
A person who is required by the Missouri Narcotic Drug Act to register with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services in order to distribute a controlled substance, and who knowingly distributes a controlled substance in an unauthorized manner may be charged with a class A misdemeanor.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
An Imitation Controlled Substance is defined by the Missouri Narcotic Drug Act as a substance that is not a controlled substance, which by dosage unit appearance (including color, shape, size and markings), or by representations made, would lead a reasonable person to believe that the substance is a controlled substance.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Also known as meth, blue, ice, and crystal, among many other terms, it takes the form of a white, odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
It is unlawful behavior to advertise drug paraphernalia or imitation controlled substances knowing for sale, or in situations where one should reasonably know, that the purpose of the advertisement is to promote the sale of these objects.
Read MoreJune 9, 2021
The manufacturing of drug paraphernalia in the State of Missouri is defined as when a person unlawfully manufactures paraphernalia and intends to deliver this knowing that it will be used in the production, preparation or ingestion of a controlled substance.
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